A Lizard's Diaries Part 5: Show Time


Show 1 There just isn’t anything I could compare to the thrill, excitement, and energy of being in front of a live crowd. It’s one of the things I look forward to every time we are on tour. Whether it’s seeing the shock on people’s faces as we bring out a huge python or knowing that each person leaves with a greater appreciation for all wildlife.

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The animals and I were so fortunate to be able to visit so many people this year in the New York and New Jersey area. One of my favorite appearances was at the Waldwick Public Library. The show was completely SOLD OUT!!!

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After a show Scooter and I will typically sit at our table and meet what seems like an endless amount of kids. I always enjoy hearing their stories…my favorite so far this year was told to me by a young boy who could not have been older than six. He said he found a sea turtle in his back yard!

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It seems like Scooter enjoys the meet-and-greets just as much as I do. Now we’re just trying to figure out how he can sign autographs!

Happy Christmas Eve


Eve 1 Happy Christmas Eve everyone! I decided to put together some pictures taken on Christmas Eve of the animals that I could share with you. Please remember these are in the past (besides the picture above taken just recently at Festival of Lights)!!!

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Check out Napoleon and Ernie our emus on Christmas Eve 2005! I love their “fros!” These days the birds are adults and have lost a lot of their fuzzy feathers. Emus are native to Australia but can tolerate temperatures from over 100 degrees to below 0.

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Yes, this is me pictured with Sarge my rescued Green Iguana on Christmas Eve 2004! He was actually found in a tree in Caldwell, Idaho. If you look closely you can see that Sarge was missing his right hind leg. To this day it is still unknown how he lost it.

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I miss this little guy! Pictured is Mr. Crabs our Emperor Scorpion from Central Africa. These large arachnids are found on the forest floors where they predate on smaller invertebrates. This picture was taken on Christmas Eve 2006. What a beauty! *** What other animals can you find in this picture? Hint: They are now each over 50 lbs!!!

Happy Christmas Eve, Corbin & Animals

Prancer the Reindeer!!!


ktvb Every time I visit our friends at KTVB the studio literally goes WILD! Yesterday for our Christmas special we surprised Ysabel Bilbao with Prancer the reindeer! (I tried to get Rudolph but he was booked)!

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I loved this picture with Ysabel and Prancer who is also known as a domesticated caribou. Wild caribou are numerous and can be found in the Arctic and Subarctic regions.

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Apparently I was trying to talk to the camera during this shot! I think I was a lot more concerned about working with Prancer than taking a good a picture! Happy Sunday everyone!