Behind-the-Scenes: Farm Style!


Behind1 Our monthly appearances on “FOX NEWS This Morning” has proven to be quite a hit! So much that we have branched out to feature not only reptiles but other animals as well. This past Friday we did a feature on farm animals! Here is your behind-the-scenes look at what really happened and how we pulled it all together!

***Here I’m pictured with Austin from Double XL Ranch. They provided the baby piglets for the segment. The babies were only 6 days old! They had to be kept extremely warm inside the studio for their safety.


This is a picture of a 6 month-old goat named “Baby.” She was SO fat, that right before shooting began, the producers thought that she was pregnant and wondered when she was due! Poor girl…


This horse ALMOST didn’t make it into the studio! “Butters” was so scared of the blue, that he was barely coaxed in minutes before tapping! Want to know what got him in? Specially made horse treats!


My favorite animal was “Kumar” the duck! Believe it or not I had to babysit him overnight before the show. He rode “shotgun” all the way to the studio! ***Here he is pictured on the desk prior to filming. He was so noisy during takes!

A special thanks goes out to the Theil Dairy, Double XL Ranch, Gayle Heida, Chase, and Jessica. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of you!