Mystery Animal???

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We recently welcomed a brand-new animal ambassador to our family and I wanted to give you a first look by introducing him in my blog…


After moving him from his indoor home to his outdoor home to enjoy the Idaho sunshine, I soon realized I should have worn gloves! I posted a picture on my Facebook page and Instagram Story asking what YOU thought scratched my hand…I had no idea the post would take off. A few hundred comments and private DMs later I realized there was A LOT of interest in our new animal ambassador. So…Ladies and Gentleman…Please welcome to the family, LEVI!!!!

My first picture with Levi the Green Iguana.

My first picture with Levi the Green Iguana.

Levi is a rescued Green Iguana. Iguanas are native to Central and South America. Unfortunately, they have become quite a problem in places like Florida where there are not native, competing for resources with native species and eating people’s gardens! Levi was captured in Florida after being “cold-stunned” during cool weather. He was sent to Idaho as a prank in the mail and ended up with someone who did not like lizards. He was forced to live in a crammed pet crate full of his own feces. Luckily, he was rescued by a member from the Idaho Herpetological Society, Mary, and was given a proper diet and home. Upon closer inspection, it was also found he had BB gun scars where he had been shot, including a hole right through his dewlap (skin under chin).

After losing my own iguana Godzilla to kidney failure, I let members of the Idaho Herpetological Society know I had room for another iguana if any needed a good home. And that’s how I ended up with Levi.

*** Special thanks to Mary from the Idaho Herpetological Society. If you want to adopt a reptile, please contact the society: (208) 468-2349.

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Levi’s story is a sad one. Although looking forward, he will live out the remainder of his life in a beautiful custom-built home along with an outdoor “iguana condo” by the creek where he can soak up the sunshine. He’s currently getting adjusted to his new surroundings so as of now, there are no plans of adding him to our educational shows at the moment. We hope to introduce him in the spring/early summer.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! If you enjoyed this, I encourage you to check out other blogs with more behind-the-scenes info regarding our animals!

Until next time,
