Yes, the rumors are true. The animals and I invaded Andy Cohen’s famous Clubhouse on Watch What Happens LIVE! It’s the ONLY late night program that is actually live and anything…I mean ANYTHING can happen. From penguin poop to skunk/shirt malfunctions, the experience was definitely one for the books! Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at our experience appearing on “Watch What Happens LIVE”.
When I made the announcement that the animals I would be appearing, I realized A LOT of my followers were super fans of Andy Cohen and his late night talk show. People I would never expect (including my mother-in-law) are die-hard fans and religiously watch the show every night.
The famous clubhouse on Watch What Happens LIVE.
The show is taped LIVE in front of an audience of 30 people in lower Manhattan. The studio itself (as you can imagine) is small and intimate. It’s one of the reasons why big A-listers including Oprah, Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion have appeared. It’s not your typical talk-show and they feel comfortable spilling their secrets to Andy.
Pepe, a Northern White-faced Owl from The Turtle Back Zoo.
I teamed up with my friends from The Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ. They are located just 20 miles outside of the city. Their educational animal ambassadors are hand-raised and comfortable around people.
Meeting Pepe backstage at Watch What Happens LIVE.
Northern White-faced owls are a small owl species that can be found throughout Africa. Pepe is actually close to being full grown!
They say if a birds poops on you it’s good luck..
I was in complete awe holding Pepe. Did you know owls are one of the best forms of natural rodent control? One owl can eat over 1,000 mice in a year!
Coral the Lavender Striped Skunk with her handler John from the Turtle Back Zoo.
Another ambassador was Coral, a 10-month-old Lavender Striped Skunk! Skunks are really interesting animals and definitely have a bad rap. Did you know they are excellent for pest control? They eat insects, spiders, and rodents in our backyards!
Skunk cuddles before the show.
If you’re wondering, Coral has had her scent glands removed. Interestingly, by removing her glands it increases her lifespan from 1-2 years to up to 10!
Marty the African Penguin walking the red carpet.
The latest gossip around the penguin colony is that my favorite penguin in the ENTIRE world, Aurora, is currently with a mate. It’s great news as African Penguins are endangered and the zoo participates in a species survival breeding program. So instead of Aurora, the zoo sent Marty who is currently still searching for his “special someone”.
Marty is walking where some well-known celebrities have walked including Celine Dion and Jennifer Lopez!
Soon after we took this picture, Marty decided to poop on the famous red carpet. When you work with animals, you NEVER know what’s going to happen!
Signing my life away in the green room before the show!
Many people do not realize all the behind-the-scenes paperwork and special permitting needed to exhibit animals in the state of New York. The animals all have to receive a clean bill of health from the vet along with special licenses.
In my green room before the show.
All the die-hard fans are wondering…Do they really serve you cocktails on the show? The answer is Yes! Because I needed to be fully present working with the animals on TV, I opted for a non-alcoholic soda and lime and then switched to sugar-free Redbull. My wife on the other hand, enjoyed a glass of wine!
Andy Cohen interviewing Seth Meyers on Watch What Happens LIVE.
The celebrity guest that night was none other than Seth Meyers! It was so ironic as I’ve worked with Seth on multiple occasions appearing on his show, Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Marty the African Penguin and I at the “Bar” on the set of Watch What Happens LIVE!
The bartender’s job on the show is quite simple….smile and occasionally answer a question or two Andy may ask throughout the show.
Pepe the Northern White-faced owl and I camera ready!
This was Pepe’s first TV appearance and I have to say he did FANTASTIC! He’s an excellent ambassador for his species.
Behind the bar with Pearl the Striped Skunk.
Watch What Happy LIVE is a celebrity based show, so most of the focus is on the celebrity guest. The guest bartender (me) makes cameos throughout the half hour program. I knew this going into it and was happy to have the opportunity to be featured!
When you work with animals on TV, you never know what’s going to happen! Like when Pearl the skunk decided to go under my shirt! It made for an interesting experience and one that I’ll never forget!
For more behind-the-scenes videos/content, visit my Instagram
Seth Meyers and I taking a promotional picture after the show.
It was so nice reuniting with Seth on the show. He’s always been so gracious and I look forward to working with him again in the future!
And just like that, the show was over! It amazes me how fast these TV appearances fly by. Weeks of anticipation and in a blink of an eye, it’s done!
*** I want to say thank you to everyone over at WWHL, The Turtle Back Zoo, and every single one of you who stayed up late to watch. I love you guys!
BONUS NYC Photos!!!
Standing at 77 ft. tall and weighing 12 tons, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree is fully lit!
There’s nothing quite like New York City during the holidays! The streets are packed with hungry shoppers, horns are honking, and the city is lit with millions of holiday lights.
The biggest bulbs I’ve ever seen!
The famous Radio City Music Hall in midtown Manhattan.
My wife Samantha and I in Central Park.
I have to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to my favorite travel companion and best friend who loves me no matter what! Traveling and working with animals on TV is no easy task. There’s a million things always going on and having someone to share this crazy life with is something I always dreamed of.
An Eastern Gray Squirr0el in New York’s Central Park.
According to the National Geographic, there is an estimated 2,373 squirrels that live in Central Park! My hat goes off to the volunteers for counting every single squirrel they saw for the study!
Geese in The Pond in Central Park.
I always joke that the wildlife in Central Park have it made living in one of the most sought after places in the city. One apartment with the views of the park just sold for a record-breaking 238 million dollars!!!
The Pond in Central Park.
If you’re trying to find me in New York City, you’ll more than likely spot me by the pond in Central Park. In the spring/summer you can commonly see turtles basking on the banks. The park is the closest gateway to nature in the city. No wonder I love it so much…
Basil Brick Oven Pizza in Astoria, Queens.
Of course I couldn’t visit NYC without having pizza! If you know me personally, you’ll know that pizza is my absolute favorite food. Some of the best pizza (and food) can be found across the river in Queens.
Terroir Wine Bar in lower Manhattan.
While I stay busy working with animals, my wife keeps busy with her business, Snake River Wine Tours ( Visiting the famous Terroir Wine Bar in SoHo was at the very top of her NYC to-do list! She even met the famous Paul Grieco featured in the documentary, “SOMM: Into the Bottle” and the book “Cork Dork”.
Another successful NYC trip in the books! Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this blog. I know it was a bit lengthy, but I wanted to share our pictures and favorite highlights from the trip! Happy Holidays!