
If you’re one of our followers on Twitter ( then you might have already heard the news that we are in the process of rescuing a baby alligator. In preparation for his arrival on October 13th I’ve decided to show some never-before-seen pictures of my history raising these amazing creatures.

***Pictured above is me at age 13 with my very first alligator named “Manny.”

Manny was rescued from a local pet store that was ILLEGALLY selling alligators to young children. She had such a wonderful personality and educated thousands of people. Housing Manny for nearly three years allowed to see and experience firsthand what it was like to work with these intelligent crocodilians.

I can’t believe I dug this old photo up! This is me at 14-years-old with Soni our American Alligator as a baby. He was so cute! I sure do miss those days when he was handable. That summer Soni and I performed in “Reptile Rampage.” A show I wrote, produced, and performed in at a local zoo.

Here is a picture of Soni NOW! He is almost 6 feet long and unfortunately isn’t too keen on being handled. Soni was rescued after he was living in someone’s bedroom for nearly two years! He has shared his story across the nation on shows like “The Tonight Show” and “The Martha Stewart Show.”

Here is another picture of Soni and me during an appearance in 2008. That was the last year we used him in our educational programs. Now he currently lives at the reserve in a custom-built exhibit featuring a heated pool, basking areas, and palm trees.

As preparation is underway for our little “baby” I promise to keep everyone posted on up-to-date info concerning our most recent rescue...Stay tuned!!!


"Mike and Kate in the Morning"



Hey everyone!

The animals and I visit “Mike and Kate” from Boise’s Mix 106 (105.9fm) tomorrow from 8:00 – 9:00am (Mountain Standard Time). Make sure to tune in....or if you’re out of state listen LIVE at You can even have the chance to be caller NUMBER 9 at (208) 376-5106 and make Kate hold “Charlotte” our tarantula!  This should be quite interesting....


Behind-the-Scenes: Farm Style!


Behind1 Our monthly appearances on “FOX NEWS This Morning” has proven to be quite a hit! So much that we have branched out to feature not only reptiles but other animals as well. This past Friday we did a feature on farm animals! Here is your behind-the-scenes look at what really happened and how we pulled it all together!

***Here I’m pictured with Austin from Double XL Ranch. They provided the baby piglets for the segment. The babies were only 6 days old! They had to be kept extremely warm inside the studio for their safety.


This is a picture of a 6 month-old goat named “Baby.” She was SO fat, that right before shooting began, the producers thought that she was pregnant and wondered when she was due! Poor girl…


This horse ALMOST didn’t make it into the studio! “Butters” was so scared of the blue, that he was barely coaxed in minutes before tapping! Want to know what got him in? Specially made horse treats!


My favorite animal was “Kumar” the duck! Believe it or not I had to babysit him overnight before the show. He rode “shotgun” all the way to the studio! ***Here he is pictured on the desk prior to filming. He was so noisy during takes!

A special thanks goes out to the Theil Dairy, Double XL Ranch, Gayle Heida, Chase, and Jessica. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of you!  


Man of the Forest



One of my ALL-TIME favorite animals is the orangutan. These “red apes” are one of our closest living relatives. After recently observing a mother and baby I found out that they even act like us too! For instance: Did you know that mosquitoes bother orangutans just like they do humans and they will use branches like fly swatters to swish them away?


Just like a young child, this orangutan was enjoying himself by playing with this bottle cap (don’t worry; it was given to him as enrichment by his keepers). *** Did you know that baby orangutans cry when they’re hungry, whimper when they’re hurt and smile at their mothers?


In captivity, for security and comfort, orangutans will even cover themselves up with a blanket!*** Did you know that in the wild when it rains or the sun is hot an orangutan will hold a leafy branch or two over its head to protect itself from getting wet or overheated?


Orangutans are primarily arboreal and spend the majority of their lives up in the trees.  *** Did you know that an orangutan arms can have a reach of more than 8 feet!? At this time orangutans can still be found swinging around the trees in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

For more information about orangutans please visit

Life at low tide


Tide Pools 1

During a recent trip up to Whistler in beautiful British Columbia, I had the opportunity to stop along the way and check out some local marine life during a low tide. Low tides provide a glimpse into interesting marine life communities that are seldom seen.

Tide Pools 2

I’m a HUGE starfish fan! I was so excited to see literally hundreds of them attached to rocks. Did you know that starfish have microscopic eyes at the end of each arm? This enables the starfish to view movement and differentiate between light and dark.

Tide Pools 6

Some marine life you just can’t see during a low tide. We talked to some scuba divers in the area and they said that just 20 feet below in a rocky cave was a Giant Pacific Octopus! I couldn’t get a picture for obvious reasons so here is captive octopus at the Vancouver Aquarium.

Tide Pools 3

These little crabs could be found everywhere! It was so funny to see the males with these huge claws fighting one another over the females. Gotta love it!

Tide Pools 4

It shocked me to find that even the smallest marine creatures could withstand being out of water during a low tide; like this little eel! We found him under a rock along with several crabs.

Tide Pools 5

Here is a great picture taken during our walk back up to the car. It captures British Columbia’s gorgeous waters and holds the mystery of what lies beneath the waves.