2017 Recap

2017 Recap

2017, what an incredible year it has been. I seriously can't believe it has flown by so fast (no pun intended). I decided to put together my favorite moments of each month in pictures- which turned out harder than I thought. After many hours and countless cups of coffee, I finally sorted through my 9,000 + pictures and selected my favorites. 2017 was also big year for me on The Today Show- I included those clips as well.

As always, thank you for the support and following me on my journey working with animals. I hope you enjoy this 2017 recap. 

Happy New Years! 

New Ventures

New Ventures

The last few weeks have been a very exciting time for me. I embarked on two new ventures; a web series and a podcast. It's not exactly the direction I'd thought I go, but life throws you down unexpected paths, and with that, I'm finding new passions I never knew I had. These new ventures have also allowed me to speak to individuals about their own experiences with animals. It's an exciting time and I appreciate you for listening, watching, and following along. Here's a look at the inspiration and the journey creating these new platforms. Hope you enjoy and learn something along the way! 

Dumbo, Dinosaur Wranglin', & Dancing with a Sloth: September Recap.

Dumbo, Dinosaur Wranglin', & Dancing with a Sloth: September Recap.

A lot can happen in a month and this September was no exception. We welcomed a new family member, an anxious German Shepard puppy with ears that could even give Dumbo a run for his money. I had my first dance with a sloth named Albert Einstein on "The Today Show". And for the last time, I single handedly moved Chompers our 6 ft. Alligator indoors for the winter. Here are some of my favorite highlights from the month of September! 

Walking Sharks, Flying Macaws, Mr. Chow, and a Beaver!

Walking Sharks, Flying Macaws, Mr. Chow, and a Beaver!

One of the best parts of my job while working with animals is the unpredictable nature of the game. There’s no telling which animals I’ll be working with in the near future or the ones I’ll unexpectedly run into. A few examples include the walking sharks, money collecting parrots, The Today Show, actor Ken Jeong, and