Episode #83: Jeff The Nature Guy

Episode #83: Jeff The Nature Guy
Corbin Maxey
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In this episode, I interview executive director of ZooMontana, Jeff Ewelt. Jeff is most notable for reviving ZooMontana and re-establishing it as a respected organization in the community. We discuss Jeff’s early beginnings selling hotdogs at the Columbus Zoo, to working as a bird trainer for 10 years in Florida, to taking the polar plunge (literally) and moving to Montana to serve as the director of ZooMontana. We discuss zoo’s animal residents including Grizzly Bears, Tigers, Red Pandas, and Wolverines! Other topics include Jeff’s work on TV, loose llamas in New York City, and his future vision for the zoo.

For more information, please visit: http://www.zoomontana.org
Check out Jeff’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8aAzxIQ_a6pvV8P2jiM7w

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