Texas A&M University

5 Facts YOU Didn't Know About Cows!

5 Facts YOU Didn't Know About Cows!
Corbin Maxey

In honor of National Dairy Month, we go over 5 facts YOU didn’t know about cows! I’m joined with my friend and cow expert Dr. Jennifer Spencer from Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. We also recount funny stories from the FFA, “dirty” job stories from the field, and advice for young people wanting to work with farm animals.

For more information, please visit: https://texasdairymatters.tamu.edu

Texas A&M Dairy Extension on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/texasdairymatters

E-mail Jennifer YOUR Questions: jennifer.spencer@ag.tamu.edu

Follow Corbin Maxey

Website: https://corbinmaxey.com
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Animal Nights LIVE on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nwCP3gJqHd8
Animal Nights LIVE website: https://corbinmaxey.com/animal-nights-live

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Episode #123: Exotic Pet Vet

Episode #123: Exotic Pet Vet
Corbin Maxey
rachel vet.jpg

In this episode, I speak with vet student, Rachel Ellerd. She’s currently attending Texas A&M University where she is studying exotic animal medicine. We discuss vet school, how she was able to apply while still pursuing her undergraduate degree, and her various internships. Highlights include her trips to South Africa where she learned to dart wildlife and Thailand where she met Asian Elephants! She also provides great insight to anyone interested in becoming a veterinarian!

Follow Rachel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exotic.pet.vet/?hl=en
Check out Rachel’s blog: https://exoticpetvet.home.blog

Follow Corbin Maxey

Website: https://corbinmaxey.com
YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZbuBnR
Instagram: https://goo.gl/NDYWFF 
Twitter: https://goo.gl/F4zVfN
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZsE1SP
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/prvYxR/

Support the show! https://www.patreon.com/animalstothemax

GoFundMe:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-corbin039s-animals