
Killing 'Free Willy' Author & Former SeaWorld Trainer Mark Simmons

Killing 'Free Willy' Author & Former SeaWorld Trainer
Corbin Maxey
Mark .jpg

In this episode, I interview former SeaWorld Killer Whale Trainer and author of “Killing Keiko: The True Story of Free Willy’s Return to the Wild”, Mark Simmons. Mark has been working with and training marine mammals for 30 years. Mark discusses what it was like training Killer Whales at SeaWorld, including “Tilikum”, the whale who killed trainer Dawn Brancheau in 2010. He also discusses the documentary “Blackfish” and what the filmmakers left out. Mark then dives into his experience assisting with the “Keiko Project”, a failed attempt at trying to return ‘Free Willy’ whale “Keiko” back to the wild.

Order Mark’s book “Killing Keiko: The True Story of Free Willy’s Return to the Wild”

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