
Shells and Stories: Talking Turtles and Tortoises with Garden State Tortoise

Shells and Stories: Talking Turtles and Tortoises with Garden State Tortoise
Corbin Maxey

In this episode of the Animals To The Max Podcast, I chat with Chris Leone from Garden State Tortoise. Garden State Tortoise is home to hundreds of animals from all around the world.  Chris and his family are dedicated to adventure, conservation of wildlife, and all things nature. Chris and wife Casey have run a reptile rescue and breeding facility for more than ten years, offering refuge to those who need it, and working everyday to protect the beautiful world of reptiles in any way they can.

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Episode #2: Owl Dilemma

Episode #2- Owl Dilemma
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I talk about the unexpected injured Eagle Owl found in my chicken coop and the dilemmas of rescuing animals.   

Episode #1- My Passion For Animals And How I Brought That To TV

Episode #1- My Passion For Animals And How I Brought That To TV
Corbin Maxey
Corbin and Happy.jpg

In this debut episode, I discuss my early childhood and how that sparked my interest in animals. I then answer the question I get commonly asked: "How did you get your start working with animals on TV?"