wildlife advocate

Episode #35: Wildlife Q & A

Episode #35: Wildlife Q & A
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I have a sit-down Q & A session with wildlife rehabilitator, Mady Rothchild, from Animals In Distress Association. Mady has been working with native, North American wildlife for over 33 years. We answer submitted wildlife questions and talk about animals that live in our own backyards. Topics include what to do if you find a baby bird, raccoons as pets, badgers and if they are a threat to humans and pets, encounters with snakes, and how to coexist with animals in our backyards. 

For more information, please visit http://idahowildliferescue.org

Follow Corbin Maxey

YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZbuBnR
Instagram: https://goo.gl/NDYWFF
Twitter: https://goo.gl/F4zVfN
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZsE1SP

Episode #30: Black Bear Release

Episode #30: Bear Release
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I talk about my recent experience traveling to Washington to release two Black Bears named "America" and "Liberty". 

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/blackbearrehab

Follow Corbin Maxey

YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZbuBnR
Instagram: https://goo.gl/NDYWFF
Twitter: https://goo.gl/F4zVfN
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZsE1SP


Episode #29: World Famous Author & Conservationist

Episode #29: World Famous Author & Conservationist
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I interview award-winning author and conservationist Carl Safina. He's the author of seven books and his latest, Beyond Words: How Animals Think and Feel is a New York Times Bestseller. In the book, Carl shares extraordinary stories of animals and their consciousness, self-awareness and empathy and their similarities to humans. 

We discuss Carl's early beginnings and what led him to become an author. We then dive into the book's three focal point animals: Elephants, Wolves, and Killer Whales. Other discussions include his thoughts on elephants in captivity, trophy hunting, the irrational fear of wolves, his favorite wildlife encounter, and his viral TED Talk: What Other Animals Are Thinking And Feeling. 

For more information, please visit http://carlsafina.org

TED Talk: What Animals Are Thinking And Feeling: https://www.ted.com/talks/carl_safina_what_are_animals_thinking_and_feeling 

Follow Corbin Maxey

YouTube: https://goo.gl/ZbuBnR
Instagram: https://goo.gl/NDYWFF
Twitter: https://goo.gl/F4zVfN
Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZsE1SP


Episode #16: Wildlife Advocate & Adventure Enthusiast

Episode #16: Wildlife Advocate & Adventure Enthusiast
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I speak to wildlife advocate and adventure enthusiast, Aaron Couch. We discuss his early beginnings volunteering at zoos and working at a pet emergency clinic in Alaska. We then discuss wolves, his work at the Teton Raptor Center, and how to inspire others interested in working with wildlife.  

Visit Aaron's blog: http://destinationreroute.com