wolf podcsts

Idaho's War on Wolves

Idaho's War On Wolves
Corbin Maxey

In this episode, I sit-down with executive director of the Wolf Conservation Center, Maggie Howell. We discuss the new bill just passed to eliminate 90% of the wolves in Idaho. On July 1st the new bill will allow hunters to kill wolves and their puppies using traps, snares, dogs, snowmobiles, poison, etc. Maggie discusses how there is absolutely no science to back up the claims that wolves take a devastating toll on livestock (less than .004% average in Idaho) and elk populations, which are at an all-time high. ***Please listen and share with friends and family! There is still time to save wolves and re-list them back on the Endangered Species list!

Sign petition to protect wolves

Sign petition to get wolves back on the Endangered Species List

How Wolves Change Rivers

Further Reading:


Wolf Conservation Center on Facebook

Wolf Conservation Center on Instagram

Wolf Conservation Center on Twitter

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